The two-day Yard Sale, has been a long time tradition of the SNAIL Community.
Initially hosted by Connie and Jim Wynkoop living at the end of Carolina St.
This site was a perfect location as their home was the last one of a cul-de-sac. The street there was wide giving ample space to set 12 tables 8’tables in three long rows.
A month prior to the event, neighbors organized a furniture pickup schedule, and delivered these large items to Connie’s where her husband would cover them at night to protect them from the night dew.
Connie also welcomed delivery of items that would become available on the days of the yard sale
The Friday before the two-day yard sale, neighbors would come together from 3:00 p.m. until sunset to display the items on the set tables which would be then covered until 7:30 a.m. for the opening Saturday.
This was THE event of community where everyone would find a treasure to take home.
In parallel, the “dumpster monitors” would have items worth saving from their dumpster fate picked up by a yard sale driver who would bring these items to the yard sale.